Project Status
Week of 03-27-19
Project is: Behind Schedule
Issues / Extra progress from last week:
TIG welder ran out of Argon over the weekend and delayed the completion of the battery enclosure
While testing motor driver circuit, let all the smoke out of the Particle Argon
This sets us further back because we need to modify code for a different microcontroller
Accomplished this week:
Each 18650 battery was measured at 3.59 volts
Spot welding and assembly of the battery cells is complete
Fun facts:
624 spot welds
17 feet of 1.5mm x 8mm nickel strip
BMS wiring was performed during modular battery frame assembly
Voltage after assembly measured 46.3V
Other Electrical
Began writing code for the Freescale microcontroller
Began new circuit design
Goals for next week:
Complete code for Freescale microcontroller
Complete new circuit design
Test new circuit design
Machine motor mounts
Finish welding battery enclosure
create list of open items / tasks to complete