Project Status
Week of 04-17-19
Project is: Behind Schedule but catching up
Issues / Extra progress from last week:
BMS wiring complete
While testing motor driver circuit, let all the smoke out of the Particle Argon
This sets us further back because we need to modify code for a different microcontroller
Ordered Buck converter
Ordered gate driver IC
Accomplished this week:
Completed wiring for BMS, charging and power
Tested battery charger
The billet was secured using two lag bolts in the area of the motor cutout diameter, the final operation
Plywood was used to isolate the billet from the deck of the table to ensure clearance
Plexiglass Battery Cover
The DXF file was supplied to the waterjet operator in Randolph along with the Plexiglass material.
The cover was delivered back up to Williston and picked up.
Installation required two of the bolts to be modified. Top right corner bolt needed to be cut down 6mm and the lower left needed to have the head ground down 2mm.
Progress was made in the programming of the Freescale KL25Z microcontroller
A DC to DC converter was ordered to convert the 48V power to 5V
A gate driver was ordered to control the 3 phase motor
Motor driver wiring diagram complete
Began PCB design
Goals for next week:
Order PCB
Design and 3D print controller housing
Finish microcontroller code